Kid’s Corner

 A collection of everything that’s going on that you do to get the kids having fun and being creative.

Art Activities:


The Glucksman creativity at Home series

Every day the Glucksman post fantastic new creative activities to occupy kids.


The Crawford

Every Sunday the Crawford to a Homelife Children’s activity and every Wednesday they do their kid’s Talking Pictures series.


Little Fine Artists

Another collection of fantastic children's art activities updated regularly

Wellbeing Activities:


True Self, True Art

On her Youtube channel Art Therapist Aisling Brennan provides kid’s mindfulness activities.


Laura O’Mahoney

Laura does a reading of a children’s book every night from 6pm

Reading with Karen

Karen posts readings on her Youtube Channel around 5pm

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Seoid Productions

A huge range of kid’s audio dramas to help your little ones navigate their creativity and emotions